I Simpósio Internacional sobre Modelos Translacionais do Transtorno do Pânico.
I Simpósio Internacional sobre Modelos Translacionais do Transtorno do Pânico
I Simpósio Internacional sobre Modelos Translacionais do Transtorno do Pânico
This year is the 20th anniversary of the two most influential theories on the etiology and brain mechanisms of panic disorder, namely, the THEORY OF THE DUAL ROLE OF SEROTONIN ON PANIC AND ANXIETY, proposed by John F. ‘Bill’ Deakin (UK) and Frederico G. Graeff (Brazil), and the FALSE SUFFOCATION ALARM THEORY, proposed by Donald F. Klein (USA), the discoverer of the therapy of panic disorder.
Therefore, the timing is perfect both to celebrate the 20th anniversary of these theories and discuss their impact and the latest fidings on panic disorder and comorbid diseases.
Accordingly, we are invinting you to participate in the “Ist WORLD SYMPOSIUM ON TRANSLATIONAL MODELS OF PANIC DISORDER” to be held at Vitória, Espirito Santo, Brazil, from 16th to 18th November, 2012.
Besides honoring the distinguished proponents of these theories, the symposium will promote the dialogue between the main current clinical and pre-clinical research groups on this issue. As well, this symposium highlights the 40 year’s outstanding contribution of Brazilian researchers to the understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying the development and therapy of anxiety disorders.