Maurice Preter, MD ( is one of a handful of dually board certified specialists in both neurology and psychiatry worldwide, and practices as a neurologist, psychodynamic psychiatrist and psychopharmacologist in New York City. He also has an active international clinical consulting practice with affiliate offices in Beijing and Shanghai, PRChina, and Paris, and recently founded GlobalMedicalAdvisors (, a specialist referral and health consulting firm.
Educated at the Universities of Munich, Germany and of Paris, France, he received his postgraduate specialty training in neurology and psychiatry at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. He has researched and written about a wide range of neuropsychiatric topics, including headache, stroke, sleep disorders, epilepsy, panic disorder, psychological trauma, and the history of neurology in China. He recently co-authored the chapter on complementary and alternative medicine approaches to headache in the forthcoming, The Neuropsychiatry of Headache, edited by Mark Green MD and Philip Muskin MD (Cambridge University Press 2013, Dr. Preter is a member of the psychiatry faculty of Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons, and an associate professor of neurology at Downstate Medical Center. His particular interest is in the diagnosis and integrated treatment of conditions that overlap between neurology, psychological health and general medicine (e.g., chronic pain, dementia, traumatic brain injury). Dr. Preter holds physician licenses in New York, Paris, Shanghai, Beijing, and Germany, and is fluent in English, French, and German.
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