"Anxietas tibiarum". Depression and anxiety disorders in patients with restless legs syndrome.

J Neurol. 2005 Jan;252(1):67-71. Related Articles, Cited in PMC, LinkOut

“Anxietas tibiarum”. Depression and anxiety disorders in patients with restless legs syndrome.
Winkelmann J, Prager M, Lieb R, Pfister H, Spiegel B, Wittchen HU, Holsboer F, Trenkwalder C, Ströhle A.

Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany.

BACKGROUND: Symptoms of anxiety and depression in patients with restless legs syndrome (RLS) have been observed. However, it is unclear whether rates of threshold depression and anxiety disorders according to DSM-IV criteria in such patients are also elevated. METHODS: 238 RLS patients were assessed with a standardized diagnostic interview (Munich-Composite International Diagnostic Interview for DSM-IV) validated for subjects aged 18-65 years. Rates of anxiety and depressive disorders were compared between 130 RLS patients within this age range and 2265 community respondents from a nationally representative sample with somatic morbidity of other types. RESULTS: RLS patients revealed an increased risk of having 12-month anxiety and depressive disorders with particularly strong associations with panic disorder (OR=4.7; 95% CI=2.1-10.1), generalized anxiety disorder (OR=3.5; 95% CI= 1.7-7.1), and major depression (OR=2.6; 95% CI=1.5-4.4). In addition, lifetime rates of panic disorder and most depressive disorders as well as comorbid depression and anxiety disorders were considerably increased among RLS patients compared with controls. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that RLS patients are at increased risk of having specific anxiety and depressive disorders. Causal attributions of patients suggest that a considerable proportion of the excess morbidity for depression and panic disorder might be due to RLS symptomatology.

Publication Types:

  • Comparative Study
  • Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t


PMID: 15654556 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

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Panic disorder respiratory subtype: a comparison between responses to hyperventilation and CO2 challenge tests.

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Panic disorder respiratory subtype: a comparison between responses to hyperventilation and CO2 challenge tests.

Freire RC, Lopes FL, Valença AM, Nascimento I, Veras AB, Mezzasalma MA, de-Melo-Neto VL, Zin WA, Nardi AE.

Laboratory of Panic & Respiration, Institute of Psychiatry, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 407/702, 22410-003, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. rafaelcrfreire@terra.com.br

In this study 117 panic disorder patients were divided into a respiratory subtype group and a non-respiratory subtype group. The respiratory subtype patients were observed to be more sensitive to the 35% CO(2) inhalation challenge test and the hyperventilation test than the non-respiratory subtype patients.

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PMID: 17964660 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

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Hot flashes and panic attacks: a comparison of symptomatology, neurobiology, treatment, and a role for cognition.

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Hot flashes and panic attacks: a comparison of symptomatology, neurobiology, treatment, and a role for cognition.

Hanisch LJ, Hantsoo L, Freeman EW, Sullivan GM, Coyne JC.

Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania, USA. hanisch@mail.med.upenn.edu

Despite decades of research, the causal mechanisms of hot flashes are not adequately understood, and a biopsychosocial perspective on hot flashes remains underdeveloped. This article explores overlooked parallels between hot flashes and panic attacks within 5 areas: course and symptomatology, physiological indicators, neurocircuitry and biochemical mechanisms, pharmacotherapy, and psychological treatment, noting both similarities and important differences between the 2 events. An integrative conceptual model is presented that identifies key ways in which psychological factors may influence the experience of hot flashes, with clinical implications and areas of future research. This model yields readily testable hypotheses and may provide a template for exploring the role of cognition in the frequency and severity of hot flashes and, in turn, a basis for the development of nonpharmacological treatments. (c) 2008 APA, all rights reserved.

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PMID: 18298271 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

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Separation anxiety disorder in childhood as a risk factor for future mental illness.

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Separation anxiety disorder in childhood as a risk factor for future mental illness.

Lewinsohn PM, Holm-Denoma JM, Small JW, Seeley JR, Joiner TE Jr.

Oregon Research Institute, Eugene, OR 97403, USA. pete@ori.org

OBJECTIVE: To ascertain the extent to which childhood separation anxiety disorder (SAD) confers risk for the development of psychopathology during young adulthood (ages 19-30). METHOD: A subset of the participants of the Oregon Adolescent Depression Project (n = 816) was used. Subjects provided retrospective reports of lifetime mental illness (including SAD) and concurrent reports of current mental illness at age 16 and were then followed prospectively until age 30. Diagnostic assessments were conducted twice during adolescence and again at ages 24 and 30. Based on diagnosis during childhood/adolescence, the subjects were partitioned into four orthogonal groups: SAD (n = 42), other anxiety disorders (n = 88), a heterogeneous psychiatric disorders control group (n = 389), and a not mentally ill control group (n = 297). Adjusting for demographic variables that were significantly associated with group status and for comorbid disorders prior to age 19, the results were analyzed with hierarchical multiple logistic regression. RESULTS: SAD was a strong (78.6%) risk factor for the development of mental disorders during young adulthood. The major vulnerabilities were for panic disorder and depression. CONCLUSIONS: Because SAD creates a major vulnerability for mental disorders during young adulthood, clinicians should be sensitive to the presence of SAD, and children and adolescents with SAD should be treated. Future research should evaluate whether successful treatment of SAD and/or the provision of a preventive intervention during childhood/adolescence reduce the risk for future psychopathology.

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PMID: 18356763 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

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High risk studies and developmental antecedents of anxiety disorders.

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High risk studies and developmental antecedents of anxiety disorders.

Hirshfeld-Becker DR, Micco JA, Simoes NA, Henin A.

MGH Clinical and Research Program in Pediatric Psychopharmacology, 185 Alewife Brook Parkway, Suite 2000, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. dhirshfeld@partners.org

The past two decades have witnessed significant growth in our understanding of the developmental antecedents of anxiety disorders. In this article, we review studies of offspring at risk for anxiety disorders, longitudinal studies of the course of anxiety disorders in clinical, epidemiologic, and at-risk samples, studies of hypothesized temperamental risk factors for anxiety, and give a brief overview of the literature on environmental risk factors. Clear developmental antecedents to anxiety disorders identified include (1) childhood anxiety disorders [in particular, separation anxiety and overanxious disorder/general anxiety disorder (GAD)], (2) behavioral inhibition which predicts later social phobia, (3) anxiety sensitivity which predicts later panic disorder, and (4) negative affectivity, which predicts a spectrum of psychopathology including anxiety disorders. Further prospective studies are needed to examine the roles of environmental factors such as parenting practices, peer influences, stressful life events, and perinatal stressors. Future studies could benefit from (1) beginning earlier in development and following individuals into adulthood, (2) assessing the overlap between multiple temperamental constructs, (3) greater use of observational measures of temperament and of parent-child and peer interactions, (4) greater attention to parental psychopathology which may confound associations noted, (5) exploration of other features of anxiety disorders (neurofunctional correlates, cognitive features, other aspects of emotional regulation) as potential precursors, and (6) intervention studies exploring whether modifying developmental antecedents can alter the course of anxiety disorders. Copyright 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Publication Types:

PMID: 18409200 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

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