Category Archives: Aging
Diabetes in midlife and cognitive change over 20 years: a cohort study.
Ann Intern Med. 2014 Dec 2;161(11):785-93. doi: 10.7326/M14-0737. Diabetes in midlife and cognitive change over 20 years: a cohort study. Rawlings AM, Sharrett AR, Schneider AL, Coresh J, Albert M, Couper D, Griswold M, Gottesman RF, Wagenknecht LE, Windham BG, Selvin E. Abstract BACKGROUND: Type 2 diabetes is associated with dementia risk, but … Continue reading
Elevated HbA1c is associated with increased risk of incident dementia in primary care patients.
J Alzheimers Dis. 2015;44(4):1203-12. doi: 10.3233/JAD-141521. Elevated HbA1c is associated with increased risk of incident dementia in primary care patients. Ramirez A1, Wolfsgruber S2, Lange C3, Kaduszkiewicz H3, Weyerer S4, Werle J4, Pentzek M5, Fuchs A5, Riedel-Heller SG6, Luck T7, Mösch E8, Bickel H8, Wiese B9, Prokein J9, König HH10, Brettschneider C10, Breteler MM11, Maier W2, Jessen F2, Scherer M3; AgeCoDe Study Group. Collaborators (19) … Continue reading
Cardiorespiratory fitness and brain volume and white matter integrity.
Neurology. 2015 May 8. pii: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000001658. [Epub ahead of print] Cardiorespiratory fitness and brain volume and white matter integrity: The CARDIA Study. Zhu N1, Jacobs DR Jr2, Schreiner PJ1, Launer LJ1, Whitmer RA1, Sidney S1, Demerath E1, Thomas W1, Bouchard C1, He K1, Erus G1, Battapady H1, Bryan RN1. Author information Abstract OBJECTIVE: … Continue reading
Not so subclinical: Subclinical cerebrovascular disease inversely associates with learning ability
Neurology. 2015 May 22. pii: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000001657. [Epub ahead of print] Subclinical cerebrovascular disease inversely associates with learning ability: The NOMAS. Glazer H1, Dong C1, Yoshita M1, Rundek T1, Elkind MS1, Sacco RL1, DeCarli C1, Stern Y1, Wright CB2. Author information Abstract OBJECTIVE: Memory has been examined in subjects with … Continue reading
Reactivation of herpesvirus under fingolimod: A case of severe herpes simplex encephalitis.
Neurology. 2015 May 8. pii: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000001659. [Epub ahead of print] Reactivation of herpesvirus under fingolimod: A case of severe herpes simplex encephalitis. Pfender N1, Jelcic I1, Linnebank M1, Schwarz U1, Martin R2. Author information 1From the University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland. 2From the University Hospital Zurich, … Continue reading