Category Archives: Aging
This is finally going mainstream: High blood sugar is associated with subtle brain injury and impaired attention and memory even in young adults
Neurology. 2015 May 6. pii: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000001655. [Epub ahead of print] Glucose indices are associated with cognitive and structural brain measures in young adults. Weinstein G1, Maillard P2, Himali JJ2, Beiser AS2, Au R2, Wolf PA2, Seshadri S2, DeCarli C2. Author information 1From the Department of Neurology (G.W., J.J.H., … Continue reading
Some very interesting new posts on the blog of Fifth Avenue Concierge Medicine, PLLC
Some very interesting new posts on the blog of Fifth Avenue Concierge Medicine, PLLC:
DIET, KETONES AND TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY Technical but of great interest. We are successfully using the ketogenic diet alongside other multiple anti-inflammatory approaches. If you want to try this treatment modality for TBI or cognitive impairment (dementia), please contact the … Continue reading
Ketogenic diet in traumatic brain injury – impaired brain – Alzheimers disease
Here is a good summary on ketogenic diet in traumatic brain injury and other neuroinflammatory conditions. More citations to follow. J Child Neurol. 2013 Aug;28(8):1054-5. Implications of dietary therapy into the 21st century: conclusion to special issue. Thiele EA1. Author information … Continue reading
Neurology: Placebo effect of medication cost in Parkinson disease – Expensive placebo’s effectiveness comparable to levodopa.
Although both placebos improved motor function, benefit was greater when patients were randomized first to expensive placebo, with a magnitude halfway between that of cheap placebo and levodopa. Brain activation was greater upon first-given cheap but not upon first-given expensive placebo or by levodopa. Regardless of order of administration, only cheap placebo increased activation in the left lateral sensorimotor cortex and other regions. Continue reading