Category Archives: News
Whole-body PET/CT scanning is accompanied by substantial radiation dose and cancer risk.
Whole-body PET/CT scanning is accompanied by substantial radiation dose and cancer risk. Huang B1, Law MW, Khong PL. 1Department of Diagnostic Radiology, University of Hong Kong, Queen Mary Hospital, 102 Pokfulam Rd, Room 406, Block K, Hong Kong. … Continue reading
Genetic Radiation Risks-A Neglected Topic in the Low Dose
Genetic Radiation Risks-A Neglected Topic in the Low Dose Busby C1, Schmitz-Feuerhake I2, Pflugbeil S3. 1Environmental Research SIA, Riga, Latvia. 2University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany. 3German Society for Radiation Protection, Berlin, Germany. Abstract The committee of the United … Continue reading
Glycemic Index (GI), Glycemic Load (GL) and Lung Cancer Risk
Glycemic Index (GI), Glycemic Load (GL) and Lung Cancer Risk Stephanie C. Melkonian1, Carrie R. Daniel1, Yuanqing Ye1, Jeanne A. Pierzynski1, Jack A. Roth2, and Xifeng Wu1,*, 1Department of Epidemiology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, … Continue reading
Significant Associations with the Inflammation Biomarkers for age, BMI, Dietary Saturated fat, and EPA+DHA Omega-3 fatty acids
Significant Associations with the Inflammation Biomarkers for age, BMI, Dietary Saturated fat, and EPA+DHA Omega-3 fatty acids Sandi L. Navarro1,*, Elizabeth D. Kantor1,2, Xiaoling Song1, Ginger L. Milne3, Johanna W. Lampe1, Mario Kratz1, and Emily White1 1Fred Hutchinson … Continue reading
Metformin use after Cervical Cancer Diagnosis among Older Women with Diabetes may be Associated with a Significant Decrease in Mortality
Metformin use after Cervical Cancer Diagnosis among Older Women with Diabetes may be Associated with a Significant Decrease in Mortality Kathy Han1,2,*, Melania Pintilie3, Lorraine L. Lipscombe4,55, Iliana C. Lega4, Michael F. Milosevic1,2, and Anthony W. Fyles1,2 1Radiation … Continue reading