Category Archives: News
Hostile attitudes and effortful coping in young adulthood predict cognition 25 years later
Hostile attitudes and effortful coping in young adulthood predict cognition 25 years later Emiliano Albanese, MD, PhD, Karen A. Matthews, PhD, Julia Zhang, MSc, David R. Jacobs Jr, PhD, Rachel A. Whitmer, PhD, Virginia G. Wadley, PhD, Kristine Yaffe, MD, Stephen Sidney, MD, PhD and Lenore … Continue reading
Cause of death and predictors of mortality in a community-based cohort of people with epilepsy
Cause of death and predictors of mortality in a community-based cohort of people with epilepsy Mark R. Keezer, MDCM, MSc, FRCP(C), Gail S. Bell, MB, ChB, MD, Aidan Neligan, PhD, MRCP, Jan Novy, MD, PhD and Josemir W. Sander, MD, PhD, FRCP +SHOW … Continue reading
Association between sleep disorders and injury: a nationwide population-based retrospective cohort study
Association between sleep disorders and injury: a nationwide population-based retrospective cohort study Chia-Ling Lin1,2, Chi-Hsiang Chung3, Yu-Hsia Tsai1,4, Wu-Chien Chien5,6 Author Affiliations 1School of Nursing, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan 2Department of Nursing, Chang Gung University of Science and … Continue reading