Category Archives: News
Early- vs late-onset subcortical vascular cognitive impairment
Early- vs late-onset subcortical vascular cognitive impairment Young Kyoung Jang, MD, Hunki Kwon, MS, Yeo Jin Kim, MD, Na Yeon Jung, MD, Jin SanLee, MD, Juyoun Lee, MD, Juhee Chin, PhD, Kiho Im, PhD, Seun Jeon, PhD, Jong Min Lee, PhD, Joon-Kyoung Seong, PhD, Jeong Hun Kim, MS, Seonwoo Kim, … Continue reading
Midlife milk consumption and substantia nigra neuron density at death
Midlife milk consumption and substantia nigra neuron density at death Robert D. Abbott, PhD, G. Webster Ross, MD, Helen Petrovitch, MD, Kamal H. Masaki, MD, Lenore J. Launer, PhD, James S. Nelson, MD, Lon R. White, MD and Caroline M. Tanner, MD, PhD +SHOW AFFILIATIONS | … Continue reading
Accuracy of clinical diagnosis of Parkinson disease
Accuracy of clinical diagnosis of Parkinson disease A systematic review and meta-analysis Giovanni Rizzo, MD, Massimiliano Copetti, PhD, Simona Arcuti, PhD, Davide Martino, MD, Andrea Fontana, MScand Giancarlo Logroscino, MD +SHOW AFFILIATIONS + SHOW FULL DISCLOSURES Correspondence to Dr. Logroscino: Published online before print … Continue reading
Vitamin D3 for uncontrolled childhood asthma: a pilot study
Vitamin D3 for uncontrolled childhood asthma: a pilot study htttp:// Kerley CP1,2,3, Hutchinson K4, Cormican L3, Faul J3, Greally P1, Coghlan D5, Elnazir B1. Author information 1Paediatric Respiratory Deparment, National Children’s Hospital, Dublin 24, Ireland. 2School of Medicine and … Continue reading
CCBYNC Open access Research Suicidality and aggression during antidepressant treatment: systematic review and meta-analyses based on clinical study reports
CCBYNC Open access Research Suicidality and aggression during antidepressant treatment: systematic review and meta-analyses based on clinical study reports arang Sharma, PhD student1 2, Louise Schow Guski, medical student1 2, Nanna Freund, medical student1 2, Peter C Gøtzsche, professor1 … Continue reading