Category Archives: News


21世纪经济导报(“美国市场上第一家领先的中国经济杂志”)针对第五大道医疗咨询刊载专题报道 Continue reading

Posted in China, Fifth Avenue Concierge Medicine, Health, International And Concierge Medicine, keto, News | Tagged |

Fifth Avenue Concierge Medicine featured in 21 Century Business Insights, “the first and the leading Chinese Business Magazine in the U.S. market” (21CBIUS – 21世紀經濟導報)

Fifth Avenue Concierge Medicine, is very pleased to announce that 21 Century Business Insights, “the first and the leading Chinese Business Magazine in the U.S. market”, is featuring us in its October edition. Following a recent trend, 21 Century Business Insights (October … Continue reading

Posted in China, Events, Fifth Avenue Concierge Medicine, Health, International And Concierge Medicine, keto, News | Tagged |

Bread, pasta and a sedentary lifestyle – will they require disclaimers? Diabetologia: Prediabetes is associated with an increased risk of cancer.

Data from 891,426 participants were derived from 16 prospective cohort studies. Prediabetes was associated with an increased risk of cancer overall (RR 1.15; 95% CI 1.06, 1.23). Continue reading

Posted in Aging, China, development, dietary, epigenetics, Events, Forensic Neuropsychiatry, Health, International And Concierge Medicine, keto, metabolic, News | Tagged , , , , , , |

Mysterious disease in Kazakhstan – A new von Economo encephalitis, post-vaccine, or mass hysteria?

“There have been many such unexplained events. Some of them have been caused by agents such as virus that were discovered later, such as von economo encephalitis, others by vaccines, most have been unexplained medically and assumed to be mass hysteria” Continue reading

Posted in Events, Forensic Neuropsychiatry, keto, News | Vitamin D and the risk of dementia and Alzheimer disease

Our results confirm that vitamin D deficiency is associated with a substantially increased risk of all-cause dementia and Alzheimer disease. This adds to the ongoing debate about the role of vitamin D in nonskeletal conditions. Continue reading

Posted in Aging, China, Complementary - Alternative Medicine, development, dietary, epigenetics, Events, International And Concierge Medicine, keto, metabolic, News, Psychiatry/Neurology | Tagged , |
Maurice Preter, MD

Maurice Preter, MD is a European and U.S. educated psychiatrist, psychotherapist, psychopharmacologist, neurologist, and medical-legal expert in private practice in Manhattan. He is also the principal of Fifth Avenue Concierge Medicine, PLLC, a medical concierge service and health advisory for select individuals and families.