Category Archives: News

The Pros and Cons of Concierge Medical Care |

The Pros and Cons of Concierge Medical Care | A thoughtful and balanced, and (yes) enthusiastic discussion of what it means to have a personal physician in U.S.A. anno 2013. Written by Sally Wendkos Olds, happy patient of Margaret … Continue reading

Posted in Aging, China, Events, Fifth Avenue Concierge Medicine, Health, keto, News | Tagged |

Long-term use of statins may be associated with increased risks of both ductal and lobular breast cancer among women 55-74 years of age

Search Home PDF Current Issue Past Issues OnlineFirst Long-term statin use and risk of ductal and lobular breast cancer among women 55-74 years of age  Authors Abstract Background: Mechanistic studies largely support the chemopreventive potential of statins. However, results of … Continue reading

Posted in Aging, Complementary - Alternative Medicine, dietary, Fifth Avenue Concierge Medicine, Forensic Neuropsychiatry, Health, keto, News | Tagged , |

Expanding Disease Definitions in Guidelines and Expert Panel Ties to Industry: A Cross-sectional Study of Common Conditions in the United States

From the Editor’s Summary: “The researchers identified 16 publications in which expert panels proposed changes to the disease definitions and diagnostic criteria for 14 conditions that are common in the US such as hypertension (high blood pressure) and Alzheimer disease. The proposed changes widened the disease definition for ten diseases, narrowed it for one disease, and had an unclear impact for five diseases. Reasons included in the publications for changing disease definitions included new evidence of risk for people previously considered normal (pre-hypertension) and the emergence of new biomarkers, tests, or treatments (Alzheimer disease). Only six of the panels mentioned possible harms of the proposed changes and none appeared to rigorously assess the downsides of expanding definitions. Of the 15 panels involved in the publications (one panel produced two publications), 12 included members who disclosed financial ties to multiple companies. Notably, the commonest industrial ties among these panels were to companies marketing drugs for the disease being considered by that panel. On average, 75% of panel members disclosed industry ties (range 0% to 100%) to a median of seven companies each. Moreover, similar proportions of panel members disclosed industry ties in publications released before and after the 2011 IOM report.” Continue reading

Posted in Fifth Avenue Concierge Medicine, Forensic Neuropsychiatry, Health, keto, News | Tagged , , , |

Allen Frances on How Many Billions a Year Will the DSM-5 Cost?

Allen Frances on How Many Billions a Year Will the DSM-5 Cost? Bloomberg TV Premium Register Sign In Bloomberg View Our Company Professional Anywhere How Many Billions a Year Will the DSM-5 Cost? By Allen Frances Dec … Continue reading

Posted in Events, Fifth Avenue Concierge Medicine, Health, keto, News, Psychiatry/Neurology | Tagged , |

Finasteride induced depression: a prospective study.

Finasteride induced depression: a prospective study. Rahimi-Ardabili B, Pourandarjani R, Habibollahi P, Mualeki A. Source Clinical Pharmacy Laboratory, Drug Applied Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran. Abstract BACKGROUND: Finasteride is a competitive inhibitor of 5 alpha-reductase enzyme, and is used for treatment … Continue reading

Posted in Aging, Fifth Avenue Concierge Medicine, Forensic Neuropsychiatry, Health, keto, News, Psychiatry/Neurology | Tagged , , , , |
Maurice Preter, MD

Maurice Preter, MD is a European and U.S. educated psychiatrist, psychotherapist, psychopharmacologist, neurologist, and medical-legal expert in private practice in Manhattan. He is also the principal of Fifth Avenue Concierge Medicine, PLLC, a medical concierge service and health advisory for select individuals and families.