Category Archives: News
Scourge of depression sees rising number of suicides, report Cang Wei and Song Wenwei in Nanjing.
Staggering base rate… Dark days of despair drive many to the final option Updated: 2013-02-27 09:20 By Cang Wei and Song Wenwei in Nanjing/China Daily Scourge of depression sees rising number of suicides, report Cang Wei and Song Wenwei in … Continue reading
Panic Developments – An Interesting Editorial by Donald F. Klein in the Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria
Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria 2012;34(Supl1):S01-S04 Panic Developments This editorial permits personal conclusions and questions, hoping to stimulate relevant research. Klein, in 1959, serendipitously found that imipramine blocked the apparently spontaneous panic attack in non-depressed inpatients, later considered agoraphobic.Later it was … Continue reading
Can MRI screen for CSF biomarkers in neurodegenerative disease?
Imaging advances are always potentially interesting but the immediate risk might be more dementia diagnoses delivered without much regard to functional context, and without proper support and follow-up. Can MRI screen for CSF biomarkers in neurodegenerative disease? Corey T. McMillan, … Continue reading