Tag Archives: Alzheimer’s disease
LED strobe lights clear Alzheimer plaques?
Discoveries that transcend boundaries are among the greatest delights of scientific research, but such leaps are often overlooked because they outstrip conventional thinking. Take, for example, a new discovery for treating dementia that defies received wisdom by combining two formerly unrelated areas of research: brain waves and the brain’s immune cells, called microglia. It’s an important finding, but it still requires the buy-in and understanding of researchers to achieve its true potential. The history of brain waves shows why. Continue reading
‘On-Demand’ Fast Mobilizes Fat; Low-Carb Breakfast Stymies Hunger – Medscape – Oct 12, 2020.
‘On-Demand’ Fast Mobilizes Fat; Low-Carb Breakfast Stymies Hunger – Medscape – Oct 12, 2020. ‘On-Demand’ Fast Mobilizes Fat; Low-Carb Breakfast Stymies Hunger Becky McCall October 12, 2020 Greater fat tissue mobilization can be achieved through early-day fasting in comparison to consuming a low-carbohydrate breakfast or a Mediterranean-style … Continue reading
Does the ε2 allele remain protective against β-amyloid (Aβ) accumulation in the presence of the ε4 allele?
Does the ε2 allele remain protective against β-amyloid (Aβ) accumulation in the presence of the ε4 allele? Yes, but so does good sleep, low HbA1c, low anxiety, low inflammation etc. Association Between Apolipoprotein E ε2 vs ε4, Age, and β-Amyloid … Continue reading