Tag Archives: Memory and Memory Loss
DIET, KETONES AND TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY Technical but of great interest. We are successfully using the ketogenic diet alongside other multiple anti-inflammatory approaches. If you want to try this treatment modality for TBI or cognitive impairment (dementia), please contact the … Continue reading
Turmeric compound may treat Alzheimer’s disease
Research Aromatic-turmerone induces neural stem cell proliferation in vitro and in vivo Joerg Hucklenbroich12, Rebecca Klein23, Bernd Neumaier3, Rudolf Graf3, Gereon Rudolf Fink12, Michael Schroeter123 and Maria Adele Rueger123* *Corresponding author: Maria A Rueger adele.rueger@uk-koeln.de Author Affiliations 1Cognitive Neuroscience, Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-3), Research Centre Juelich, Leo-Brandt-Straße 52425, Jülich, … Continue reading
“Noncognitive” symptoms of early Alzheimer disease
Conclusions: We found a significantly earlier presence of positive symptoms on the NPI-Q in cognitively normal patients who subsequently developed CDR >0. Among participants with no depression symptoms at baseline, results suggest that depressive symptoms may increase with aging regardless of incipient dementia. Such findings begin to delineate the noncognitive course of Alzheimer disease dementia in the preclinical stages. Future research must further elucidate the correlation between noncognitive changes and distinct dementia subtypes. Continue reading