Tag Archives: Traumatic Brain Injury
Outcomes from a US military neurology and traumatic brain injury telemedicine program
Articles Outcomes from a US military neurology and traumatic brain injury telemedicine program Ilana R. Yurkiewicz, BS, Charles M. Lappan, MPA, MBA, Edward T. Neely, MD, Roger R. Hesselbrock, MD, Philip D. Girard, MS, Aimee L. Alphonso, BS and Jack … Continue reading
Posted in Health, keto, new treatments, News
Tagged keto, telemedicine, Traumatic Brain Injury
Findings reveal brain mechanisms at work during sleep, and other sleep news from the SFN Annual meeting
Sleepiness disrupts the coordinated activity of an important network of brain regions; the impaired function of this network is also implicated in Alzheimer’s disease (Andrew Ward, abstract 909.05). via Findings reveal brain mechanisms at work during sleep.
Posted in Aging, epigenetics, Health, keto, Psychiatry/Neurology
Tagged healthy brain aging, Inflammation, keto, Memory and Memory Loss, Traumatic Brain Injury
the psychiatryneurology.net – legal October 1, 2012
Edition of October 1, 2012 is out: the psychiatryneurology.net – legal.
Posted in Events, News, Psychiatry/Neurology
Tagged Depression, Psychological Stress and PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury