Category Archives: News

Too much sitting around may kill you. Period.

Paleo-epidemiology. We were simply not designed to sit around a lot. Sedentary Time and Its Association With Risk for Disease Incidence, Mortality, and Hospitalization in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Aviroop Biswas, BSc; Paul I. Oh, MD, MSc; Guy E. … Continue reading

Posted in Aging, dietary, epigenetics, Events, Fifth Avenue Concierge Medicine, Forensic Neuropsychiatry, Health, keto, News | Tagged |

Treatment of vitamin D deficiency in asymptomatic persons might reduce mortality risk

20 January 2015, Vol 162, No. 2> Reviews | 20 January 2015 Screening for Vitamin D Deficiency: A Systematic Review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Erin S. LeBlanc, MD, MPH; Bernadette Zakher, MBBS; Monica Daeges, BA; Miranda Pappas, MA; and Roger Chou, MD [+] … Continue reading

Posted in Aging, dietary, epigenetics, Events, Health, keto, News, Psychiatry/Neurology | Tagged |

“Noncognitive” symptoms of early Alzheimer disease

Conclusions: We found a significantly earlier presence of positive symptoms on the NPI-Q in cognitively normal patients who subsequently developed CDR >0. Among participants with no depression symptoms at baseline, results suggest that depressive symptoms may increase with aging regardless of incipient dementia. Such findings begin to delineate the noncognitive course of Alzheimer disease dementia in the preclinical stages. Future research must further elucidate the correlation between noncognitive changes and distinct dementia subtypes. Continue reading

Posted in Aging, Fifth Avenue Concierge Medicine, Forensic Neuropsychiatry, Health, keto, News, Psychiatry/Neurology | Tagged , , , |

More Chinese travel abroad for medical treatment

More and more Chinese nationals have become wealthy enough to afford medical treatment abroad, bolstering the growth of businesses catering to this emerging trend, reports Nanjing’s Yangcheng Evening News. Continue reading

Posted in China, Events, Fifth Avenue Concierge Medicine, keto, News |

China Daily USA: US hospital looks to China for more medical tourists

Since that first patient from the Chinese mainland landed at the hospital a decade ago, the hospital has steadily seen an increase in the number of patients from China, and believes that growth will continue at a rapid rate among, the growth driven by the emerging middle class more focused than ever on health and well-being. Continue reading

Posted in China, Fifth Avenue Concierge Medicine, keto, News |
Maurice Preter, MD

Maurice Preter, MD is a European and U.S. educated psychiatrist, psychotherapist, psychopharmacologist, neurologist, and medical-legal expert in private practice in Manhattan. He is also the principal of Fifth Avenue Concierge Medicine, PLLC, a medical concierge service and health advisory for select individuals and families.