Category Archives: News
New Book Alert: Panic Disorder: Neurobiological and Treatment Aspects
Panic Disorder/Psychiatry Home > Medicine > Psychiatry SUBDISCIPLINES JOURNALS BOOKS SERIES TEXTBOOKS REFERENCE WORKS Panic Disorder Neurobiological and Treatment Aspects Nardi, Antonio Egidio, Freire, Rafael Christophe R (Eds.) 2015, Approx. 300 p. 20 illus., 5 illus. in color. Available Formats: eBook Information Hardcover Information approx. $189.00 … Continue reading
Clinical benefit of a ketogenic diet is in preventing an increase in appetite, despite weight loss.
Obes Rev. 2014 Nov 17. doi: 10.1111/obr.12230. [Epub ahead of print] Do ketogenic diets really suppress appetite? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Gibson AA1, Seimon RV, Lee CM, Ayre J, Franklin J, Markovic TP, Caterson ID, Sainsbury A. Author information Abstract Very-low-energy diets (VLEDs) and ketogenic low-carbohydrate diets … Continue reading
Autoimmune disease, inflammation and the brain
Went to a fabulous lecture by Dr. Souhel Najjar on autoimmune encephalitis this morning. As a reminder, bad relationships (including with one’s self-image etc.) can also cause/contribute to inflammatory burden. Below is a well-informed and written piece on Anti-NMDA-receptor encephalitis … Continue reading
Low male sex hormones (“Low T”), heart attack risk, and social status
There has recently been more buzz around “low-T” and heart attack/stroke risk. Not usually mentioned is the fact that “T” (testosterone) is a social hormone (most hormones are). Low social status lowers “T”. Injecting/supplementing T without proper attention to the psychology of the situation may make things worse. Continue reading
Association of Childhood Adversities and Early-Onset Mental Disorders With Adult-Onset Chronic Physical Conditions
Important paper on childhood adversities an adult-age chronic medical conditions, published just before our study on endogenous opioid dysregulation after early childhood adversity in psychiatrically and physically “healthy” adults. Archives of General Psychiatry August 2011, Vol 68, No. 8 > < Previous ArticleNext … Continue reading